Ashe Ubert Fanbook


Chivalry is a Fanbook featuring one of our favorite Blue Lions, Ashe Ubert. This project will feature Writers, Artists, and Merch Artists. The theme will focus on Ashe's bonds with others, as well as his path to knightlyhood. Both Three Houses and Three Hopes will be featured in this project. We will allow Ashe to be featured on any of the three paths of Three Houses. We plan to be a physical A5 book. The rating of this project will be 16+
Mentions of heavy topics and / or blood and violence due to themes of war are welcome.


Preorders: Nov. 30th 2023 - Jan. 14th 2024
Shipping: February 2024 (exact dates TBA)


FallenHead/writing (former shipping mod)Sup, the name's Fallen. I'm a writer who loves all forms of writing! Ashe is a precious bean - I shall protec :>Experience:
Condensed Light: Ningguang Zine: Head + Writer Mod
Age of Calamity: Hyrule Warriors Zine - Writer Mod
Snowfall: Cryo Zine - Head + Writer + Cosplay Mod
Réminiscence: Case Study of Vanitas Zine - Writer + Cosplay Mod

AshenSeasFinance/production/shipping/soc medAshe is just so cute and wholesome I can’t stand it!! Aaaahhh! He deserves all the good things! ❤️Experience:
Frost of Dawn: The Mythical Tales of Diluc and Kaeya - Finance/production
In the Name of the Goddess: a Church of Seiros Zine- ShippingTranscending Transcience: a Baizhu Zine- Beta mod

YozoraMerch/art/graphicsNocturnal art person. They say that the brightest star in the night sky is Sirius A, but actually, it's Ashe :3

Podfic Mod

MidnightNo longer active, job complete
Writer Mod
Shot through the heart, and Ashe's to blame
(Ashe gives love a -good- name! :) )
Another Step Forward: FE3H Modern Zine - Writer
Yumtendo: A Quest for Flavor - Chef
Your Hand in Mine: Saiou Zine - Writer
Fódlanomicon: FE3H Eldritch Horror Zine - Writer

DelNo longer active, job complete
Organization + Layout Mod

ElloryNo longer active, job complete
Social media


What is a Fanbook?
A Fanbook is a collection of written and Illustrated fanworks. These fanworks are self published into both physical booklets and digital pdfs. Fanbooks, much like Anthologies and Zines, typically are created within fandom spaces, by fans for fans. This project does not follow the typical "norms" of a fanzine, as we have an equal distribution of both writers and artist; thus, we are using the term "Fanbook" instead.
Is the grading system different in this fanbook than that of a fanzine?
The system is not very different! They will be handled similarly to a fanzine. Grading will coincide with pitches in the application process.
Expectations are a bit looser, since our requirements are not strictly enforced, such as Ashe samples not being required to apply.
What is a pitch?
A pitch is an overall idea for your piece! This term is often taken from Cinema where one would "pitch" the idea of their film or television series to a director. This is often a verbal or visual explanation of their idea! Similar to that notion, a pitch is just an idea that you have for this zine should you be accepted! They can be as detailed or as vague as you would like them to be!
Is this a charity or for-profit project?
Chivalry will be a charity project. Our planned charity is to be determined!
Can other characters be featured in this project?
Yes, so long as Ashe is the main focus of the piece.
Will you accept Grayscale or Ink works for artists?
Yes, we plan to allow for Grayscale or traditional ink for artworks. Be sure to mention that you wish to apply with this in your application.
Will this zine feature AU's?
AU’s will be featured in this project, be it FEH, Modern Aus, or anything in between.
Will this zine feature Ships?
Due to the theme of "bonds," ships are welcome in this project. All types of ships are welcome!
Are Traditional artists allowed to apply?
Yes! We ask that all Traditional pieces we scanned or presented clearly, please!
Will Contributors and Mods receive a copy of the project?
Everyone will automatically receive a pdf of the project. Should enough sales be made, they will also be provided with a physical copy!
Will you be accepting other mods for this project?
At this time, our team is full!
Are Mods allowed to participate, or will they have to apply like a contributor?
Mods will be allowed to participate in this project if they so wish to! Mods will not have to apply in order to partake in the zine! They will not be required to partner up with a writer / artist, but are welcome to in the case of a contributor suddenly dropping later on in the project.
If accepted for a mod position or a contributor position, will there be a place we can communicate?
Yes, all communication will be ran through a discord server. You will be required to be a part of the server, so we recommend you be ready to create an account if you do not already have one!
Will ships or other fandom preferences disqualify applicants from this project?
No, not necessarily! You're free to ship / draw / write most anything outside of this project. Our Mods will be required to hold no strong bias against ships or fandom preferences. We expect respect and polite attitudes between everyone in the server, between both Mods and Contributors alike.
How come the icon is a book for this project?
This item was used in reference to Ashe's past with Lord Lonato, along with his in-game supports with various classmates. The icon is temporary and is planned to be replaced once a full team has been established.
Is there any content NOT allowed in this fanbook?
There are just a few! Since we are a SFW project, we will not be allowing any sexual content! Additionally, vore and gore will not be permitted either!